Fujifilm Recipes by Tudor Mateescu

Here are my recipes for Fujifilm cameras. Choose your preferred one.

Fujifilm Film Recipe: Cinematic Summer Vibes

Fujifilm X100V Cinematic Film Simulation Recipe Results

Fujifilm X-PRO3 With 35mm f1.4 Cinematic Film Simulation Recipe Results

Settings For Cinematic Fujifilm Recipe Based On Classic Chrome

Lighting conditions: summer, outside with lots of sun or in light cloudy weather or in light shadows.

Film Simulation: Classic Chrome
Dynamic Range: 400
Clarity: 0 / +3
NR: 0
Highlight: -1
Shadows: +2
Color: -1/-2
Sharpness: +3
Grain: Large & Strong
WB: Daylight
WB Shift: R -5 B -5
Crop: 16×9

Disposable Camera Film Recipe With X100V

Here are the results with this recipe. Ideal to be used in sunny days with shadows, or indoors with flash! Also you can use flash in sunny days or cloudy days for a special retro effect!

Settings For Disposable Camera Film Recipe

Film Simulation: VELVIA
Noise Redution -4 Highlithts -2 Shadows -2
Sharpness -4
Grain: Strong and Large
WB SHIFT R -8 B -4
Exposure Compensation: +1
Color Chrome Effect: Strong
Color Chrome FX Blue: Strong

Fujifilm Film Recipe: Earthy Neg

In the video bellow I share with you some results using my Fujifilm Recipe that I called Earthy Neg in combination with TTartisan 27mm f2.8 lens.

Earthy Neg Film Recipe Film simulation Samples

As you can see, the results and colors depend a lot on the lens.

Earthy Neg Film Recipe Film simulation settings

Film Simulation: Classic Negative
DR 400
Noise Redution 0 Highlithts -1 Shadows +1
Sharpness +3
Grain: Strong and Small
Exposure Compensation: +1 max
Color Chrome Effect: Strong
Color Chrome FX Blue: Strong

CineGlitch Film Recipe

Lighting condtions: summer, outside with lots of sun, or in light cloudy weather, or in light shadows.Film Simulation: Eterna Bleach Bypass

ISO Range: 800-3200
Dynamic Range: 400
NR: 0
Highlights: -1.5
Shadows: -1
Color: -4
Clarity: +5 (recommended)
Color Chrome: Strong
Color Chrome FX Blue: Strong
Sharpness: +2
Grain: Strong and small
WB: Daylight / Auto and shift it to
R -3
B +3
Exposure Compensation: 0 no need for over or under-exposure, adjust depending on the light.
Add Flash for amazing interior results just like film!
Follow the light and color for strong results!

Astia Spring Film Recipe With Fujifilm X-T5

Astia Spring Film Recipe With Fujifilm X-T5 Samples

Astia Spring Film Recipe Settings

Film Simulation: Astia
DR 400
Noise Redution -4 Highlithts -2 Shadows -2
Sharpness -2
Grain: Strong and Large
WB SHIFT R -5 B +5
Exposure Compensation: +1
Color Chrome Effect: Strong
Color Chrome FX Blue: OFF

PrimaveraNeg Recipe

PrimaveraNeg Recipe results

PrimaveraNeg Recipe settings

Film Simulation: ProNegHi Nh
DR 400
Noise Redution 0 Highlithts +0.5 Shadows +2
Sharpness +2
Grain: Strong and Large
WB SHIFT R -3 B -3
Exposure Compensation: +2/3
Color Chrome Effect: Strong
Color Chrome FX Blue: Strong

Fujifilm Film Recipe: Nostalgic Sepia

Nostaglic Sepia instruction video

Fujifilm X100V Nostalgic Sepia Film Simulation Recipe Results

Settings For Nostalgic Sepia Fujifilm Recipe

Lighting conditions: any lighting conditions but pay attention not to over or under exposure more than 1 stop.

Film Simulation: Acros Red
Dynamic Range: 400
Clarity: -5
NR: -4
H: -1
S: +3 / +5
Sharpness: +2
Grain: Large & Strong
WB: Auto / Daylight R 9 B -9
Color Chrome FX & FX Blue: Strong
Monochromatic Color: WC+4 MG-4
Exposure Compensation: -2/3 to +2/3 depending on the scene and light

Fujifilm Recipe Black And White – Loaded M6

Here is another black-and-white recipe that I really like. It’s working great in low light.

Examples from Fujifilm X-T5 and Viltrox 23mm f1.4.

Film: BY
DR: 400
Grain: Weak and Small
H-Tn: -0.5
S-Tn: +2
Sharpness: +4
Clarity: +5
NR: 0
Exposure comp: 0 -1/3 depending on scene.
Light variation:
S-Tn: +1.5
Clarity: +3

Fujifilm Ilford Recipe With Consistent Results

Fujifilm Ilfor recipe

The Basic Ilford Recipe

  • Film Simulation Acros Yellow
  • 400 DR
  • ISO NR -4
  • Sharp -3
  • H -2
  • S +1 / 0.5 for X-e4 / X-S10/X-T4
  • +1 / +2 over expose (generally +1)
  • Grain small and strong
  • Color Chrome Effect Strong
  • Color Chrome FX Blue Strong
  • Monocromatic Color WC +1 MG-1 (Sepia Toned)

Ilford Recipe For Flat Light

  • H Tone 0
  • S Tone +1 / +2 or 0.5 incrementals

Ilford Recipe For Harsh Light

  • H Tone -2
  • S Tone -1

Make it bolder in the camera

  • clarity -3 in good light or +2 in flat light
  • shift the WB after taking the pictures with R+8 B-2 – excellent for skin tones luminosity but use with caution / aplly after taking the picture