This Fujifilm Camera Setting Will Transform Your Single Lens In TWO Powerful Lenses!

My video with how you can achieve that:

SPORTS FINDER MODE Benefits And When To Use

  • Fujifilm says: “Take pictures using the crop in the center of the display. Choose this option for pictures of athletes, birds, and other moving subjects.”
  • you can see outside your frame with the EVF or LCD screen getting the range finder experience on every Fujifilm camera
  • you can use this mode when you don’t want to swap lenses and you need a little tighter frame
  • good for street photography, documentary photography, portrait photography and situation were the space conditions are changing


  • Only works With Mechanical Shutter
  • Assign a custom button by pressing display
  • Shooting Settings > Sports Finder Off/On


Lens reach in sports finder mode!Download it here!
  • it applies a 1.25x crop so this means that you’ll get a tighter angle of view (a 23mm Fuji APS-C lens becomes a 28mm APS-C lens giving the field of view of 44mm )
  • Very usefull in street photography and in situation were you don’t want to swap lenses
  • a 23 f1.4 lens becomes a 44mm lens – making an unique and very versatile setup

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If you are passionate about photography check my 21 minutes Instructional VIDEO About Documenting A Turbulent Event With Fujifilm X100V & X-PRO3 and subscribe to my newsletter for more photography guides, news, tips & tricks.

2 thoughts on “This Fujifilm Camera Setting Will Transform Your Single Lens In TWO Powerful Lenses!”

  1. I am a volunteer for Greenhouze a 501c3 non profit organization. One of my functions will be to teach a photography course. I was contracted to teach this course because I’ve had experience developing and providing instructors for photography learning centers, both military and civilian. I am retired now but I thought it would be fun opportunity to volunteer for this position. I have watched a few of your videos. I think the service you are providing is beneficial for the community. Late last year I was developing a course for a school that believed art education was under appreciated in this country. Photography was featured in a few of the courses. The school, unfortunately, never got started but I continued to develop non traditional instruction, introducing creative thinking projects early in the course. Anyway keep up the good work I think you are providing a meaningful service.


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